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2.8. at 18.30 Kirill Gerstein

2.8. at 18.30 Kirill Gerstein

Product options

Kirill Gerstein

Saturday, 2 August 2025 at 18:30 (concert introduction at 18:00) 

Check the concert programme and additional details on the Mänttä Music Festival website. 

PRICE: 58 € / 45 €

Discounted price: pensioners, students and school children (7–17 years old, under 7 years free), unemployed, wheelchair users.

TICKETS: Unnumbered seats. The receipt (pdf) you receive by email serves as your ticket. Please show the ticket at the concert hall's door. Tickets do not need to be printed. 

VENUE: Kivijärvi Hall, Serlachius Manor, Joenniementie 47, 35800 Mänttä

INTERMISSION CATERING: If you selected intermission refreshments, please indicate any special dietary requirements in the "Add a Note for Merchant" section. Intermission refreshments will be served at the summer café Autere Cottage in the museum courtyard, near the main entrance.

PRE-ORDER PROGRAMME BOOK: Pre-order the Mänttä Music Festival programme book (€15) by 10th July. The programme book will be mailed to your home address. In case you want to use another address, please provide the address in the "Add a Note for Merchant" section of the order. Please note that programme book is only available in Finnish.

ACCESSIBILITY: Serlachius Manor is mostly accessible. You can review the accessibility brochures HERE.

BENEFIT: The concert ticket can be paid with ePassi or Smartum. With these payment methods, you can only purchase one ticket. No other products or multiple concert tickets can be included in the same order.

CANCELLATION TERMS: Tickets are non-exchangeable and non-refundable; the purchase is final.

PARKING: Concert guests have access to the extensive parking area at Serlachius and electric car charging stations. 


Serlachius, sales service
p. +358 (0)3 488 6801 (weekdays from 9 am–3 pm)

Mänttä Music Festival ticket holders will receive a free home charging station (worth 700 euros) for their electric car with the purchase of a new BMW from Autokeskus Tampere. The offer is valid until the end of 2025 and applies only to new orders.